DSWAP Removal Efficiency Database

This is the web interface to the database of removal efficiencies observed in wastewater treatment. It represents the knowledge reported in the scientific literature as of 2022 with regard to selected chemical or biological contaminants and treatment technologies.

The unit of values reported differs between chemical contaminants (e.g. antibiotics or other drugs) and biological items (such as genetic markers). The values are computed from concentrations (or loads) in a treatment module's input (Cin) and output (Cout) as follows:

Contaminant group Reported value Unit Definition
Chemical Percentage removal efficiency % PRE = (Cin - Cout) / Cin * 100
Biological Log removal value - LRV = log10(Cin / Cout)

Use the navigation tabs at the top of the page to check the different functions of this web interface. For security reasons, the provided features differ between an online installation of this app (server mode) and local installations.

intro image

This interface allows a summary table to be filtered and sorted.

To filter the table to data of interest, click into the box displayed below a column header. Depending on the column type, you can either select from a set of values or enter a search string. In the latter case, only records matching the entered (sub)string will be shown.

To sort results, use the triangle symbols displayed next to the column headers.

The SQL interface

This interface allows SQL 'select' queries to be executed on the database. Refer to the relationship model shown at the bottom of the page to formulate your query. Note that, for security reasons, the allowed set of characters in SQL select statements was reduced to a minimum. Consequently, even some very common queries will not run.

Enter the SQL query string into the form and click the submit button. Tabular output resulting from the query will be displayed below the form. In case of an incorrect query, the respective error message will be displayed.

A set of sample queries can be found below. It is recommended to develop new queries in a local text editor so as to prevent a loss of work in case of network problems or other issues.

Example queries

Find the total number of records stored in the database

select count (*) from efficiencies

Return the entire table of contaminants

select * from contaminants

Find the number of records per contaminant

SELECT description AS Contaminant, COUNT (*) AS Records FROM efficiencies AS ef LEFT JOIN contaminants AS co ON ef.id_contaminant = co.id_contaminant GROUP BY description

Relationship model of the database

Tables and relations
For security reasons, this feature is currently not supported when the app is run over the internet. In order to us it, please install the software locally. You can obtain the latest version from this repository.

This interactive web page has been developed at the TU Dresden Institute of Hydrobiology as a contribution to the DSWAP project. The latter is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Berendonk
TU Dresden, Institute of Hydrobiology
01062 Dresden

phone: +49 351 463 34 956
email: thomas dot berendonk (at) tu-dresden dot de

Contributors to prototype version:
MSc. Aparna Chandrasekar (literature review)
Dr. David Kneis (database and web interface)

Responsible for integration of new data:
email: david dot kneis (at) tu-dresden dot de

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